Monday, March 4, 2013

WARNING: This post may contain the "F" word.

Let's just assume every Monday post will contain the "F" word from here on out. Monday's suck. Monday weigh in days suck harder.

First, a disclaimer: my entire household has been sick this past week.  My son has been sick with seasonal allergies AND wrestling with getting a permanent molar.  So that's been fun. I don't care what doctors and dentists say, kids get sick when their teeth come in. Nearly every mother I have ever spoken with says the same thing and we can't all be wrong. My kid is no different. My husband has been working really hard, long hours because this is the busiest season for his business. As a result, he hasn't been feeling the best either. So I have two very sick guys to take care of. This has translated to grabbing what I could, when I could to eat. But, excuses are like assholes, we all have one. Right? Right! So that's mine.

Now, I crawled my fat butt on the scale today and I haven't lost an ounce! I have gained any, so I'm taking that as a victory in itself, but still I'm a bit disappointed. Oh well, back on the proverbial horse. Which leads me to the rest of my post.

One thing I have learned from being on one diet or another for the better part of my life is you have to keep going no matter what. As some of you may know, I am part of the forums at  A very wise poster on that forum (wish I could remember who), quoted a book she read that said: If you were cleaning your fine china and broke a single dish, would you break the rest of the set? No, of course not. Well, weight loss is a lot like that. You will have ups and downs, and you will have days when you just can't resist reaching for that bag of chips, but it doesn't negate everything else you've done. You just have to get back on the horse and pick up where you left off. Had I kept this in mind, I might have avoided gaining and losing the same 10 pounds over and over again.  So, for today, I'm just going to say "Fuck it" and move on to the rest of my week.  Here's to next Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Both of our kids got sick whenever they had teeth come in - without fail. I'm not sure why medical professionals tend to deny this correlation.

    Sorry about the numbers not moving (but they eventually will). Nonetheless, that does indeed suck ass. Hang in there!!
