Monday, February 25, 2013

Weigh In Days and Mondays Bring Me Down

It's Monday.  It's Weigh In Day.  It is probably going to rain today.  This day SUCKS!

I started watching what I ate, drinking the water....blah, blah, blah...last week and my weight was 280.  On a 5'8" woman, that's not so great.  Today I got on the scale and I am at 274.  So a loss of 6 pounds.  Not too bad, but not that great for my first week either.  And yeah, I know you should average 2 pounds per week, but people generally lose a lot of weight up front...the proverbial "water" weight.  At any rate, I'm not worried about it.  A loss is a loss.

Just to go on record, Mondays are my official weigh in days, even though I crawl my fat butt on the scale everyday.  Measurement days are, so far, scheduled for the first of each month.  That gives me 3 more days, for a total of 10 days of dieting.  Not really enough time to see a significant difference, so I am contemplating skipping the month of March with measurements.  We'll see.

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